• Parenting Coordination

A child-focused dispute resolution process aimed at implementing parenting plans or orders.

It's a child-focused dispute resolution process aimed at implementing parenting plans or orders.

Umbrella Family Law offers expert Parenting Co-ordination to support post-separation co-parenting. Our child-focused dispute resolution process implements parenting plans or orders, resolving disputes promptly while prioritizing your children’s well-being. With parties’ approval, we make decisions within court orders or appointment contracts, streamlining the process for everyone involved. Trust us to guide you and your children through this journey.

 It's a child-focused dispute resolution process aimed at implementing parenting plans or orders.
The Parenting Co-ordinator's role and responsibilities encompass:
The Parenting Co-ordinator's role and responsibilities encompass:

The Parenting Co-ordinator's role and responsibilities encompass:

  • 1

    Prioritise children's psychological, developmental, and learning needs.

  • 2

    Facilitate effective and respectful communication between parents and children.

  • 3

    Educate parents on protecting children from parental conflict's impact.

  • 4

    Assist in decision-making about childcare and communication strategies.

  • 5

    Clarify and implement Parenting Plan or Court Order.

  • 6

    Ensure compliance with agreed-upon arrangements and provide ongoing support.

It is not the Parenting Co-ordinator’s role to change the Parenting Plan or Court Order.

Common questions regarding parenting coordination:

QHow do we get started?

Umbrella Family Law’s process begins with individual intake sessions for both parents, allowing us to discuss concerns related to Court Orders or Parenting Plans.

QHow will communication occur?

The method of communication between the Parenting Co-ordinator and the Parents will be agreed by everyone at the commencement of the process and will likely be by email.

Contact us today if you need help.

At Umbrella Family Law, we offer expert parenting coordination services to help you navigate the complexities of coparenting effectively. Our experienced team is here to facilitate respectful communication and assist in decision-making, ensuring your child’s well-being remains the top priority. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today if you need help.

You’re not alone.

Navigating family law can feel overwhelming. Over the years, we’ve discovered that one of the biggest things missing from the process is the reassurance others have been where you are.

Umbrella Family Law